Lease home: who is entitled to maintenance costs?
The ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of the house has a cost partly borne by the owner of the property and, in the case of lease, in part by the tenant. Both sides of the lease must comply with the duties on the cost of building maintenance.
Maintenance. The owner of a rented property have a duty to deal with the cost of routine maintenance expenses. The burden of the extra costs shall be borne by the owner who may, however, make up applying a higher rent at the inception of the lease. Extraordinary expenses are borne by the owner regardless of whether or not they respond to a legal obligation. The property owner has to face the costs of repairs necessary to keep the property in good condition. In case of emergency, upon notice to the owner, the tenant can afford the costs of repair to restore the good condition of the property (eg, boiler repair) charging after the owner all costs incurred. Any damage caused to third parties (eg, water infiltration) are the responsibility of the owner.